Ebm@school – a curriculum of critical health literacy for secondary school students
A curriculum based on the concept of evidence-based medicine, which consists of six modules.
| 0 Comments | EvaluatedBohemian Polypharmacy
James McCormack recruits help from Queen to warn of the dangers of ‘Bohemian Polypharmacy’ in music.
| 0 CommentsMore is less: an investigation of unnecessary testing
This is a US radio production about unnecessary testing and the associated harm to patients and costs to the health system.
| 0 CommentsSurgery for the treatment of psychiatric illness: the need to test untested theories
Simon Wessely describes the untested theory of autointoxication, which arose in the 1890s and caused substantial harm to patients.
| 0 CommentsNew – but is it better?
Key points Testing new is necessary because new treatments are as likely to be worse as they are to be […]
| 0 CommentsMutilating surgery
Until the middle of the 20th century, surgery was the main treatment for breast cancer. This was based on the […]
| 0 CommentsThe classical (Halstead) radical mastectomy
The radical mastectomy, devised in the late 19th century by William Halsted, was the most commonly performed operation for breast […]
| 0 CommentsDrastic treatment is not always the best
‘It is very easy for those of us treating cancer to imagine that better results are due to a more […]
| 0 CommentsDare to think about doing less
So, more is not always better – and this message remains important. Today, in women with metastatic (widespread) breast cancer, […]
| 1 CommentIntensive treatments for breast cancer
The therapies advocated for breast cancer – so often in the news – provide some especially valuable lessons about the […]
| 2 CommentsMore is not necessarily better
Key point More intensive is not necessarily beneficial, and can sometimes do more harm than good. Introduction A popular misconception […]
| 2 CommentsNo wonder she was confused
In January 2004, a hysterectomy patient wrote this letter to The Lancet: ‘In 1986 I had a hysterectomy because of […]
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GET-IT provides plain language definitions of health research terms