Reporting the findings: Absolute vs relative risk
Absolute Differences between the effects of two treatments matter more to most people than Relative Differences.
| 0 CommentsExplaining the mission of the AllTrials Campaign (TED talk)
Half the clinical trials of medicines we use haven’t been published. Síle Lane shows how the AllTrials Campaign is addressing this scandal.
| 0 CommentsTipsheet for reporting on drugs, devices and medical technologies
Questions that will be familiar to reporters covering health and medicine.
| 0 CommentsTips for understanding Intention-to-Treat analysis
Ignoring non-compliance with assigned treatments leads to biased estimates of treatment effects. ITT analysis reduces these biases.
| 0 CommentsTips for understanding Absolute vs. Relative Risk
Absolute Differences between the effects of two treatments matter more to most people than Relative Differences.
| 0 CommentsTips for understanding Non-inferiority Trials
A non-inferiority experiment endeavours to show that a new intervention is ‘not unacceptably worse’ than the comparison intervention.
| 0 CommentsTamiflu: securing access to medical research data
A campaign by researchers has shown that Roche spun the research on Tamiflu to meet their commercial ends.
| 0 CommentsIntroduction to JLL Explanatory Essays
Professionals sometimes harm patients by using inadequately evaluated treatments. Research addressing uncertainties can reduce this harm.
| 0 CommentsRecognizing researcher/sponsor biases and fraud
The vested interests of researchers and organizations tend to be reflected in reports of treatment research in which they are involved.
| 0 CommentsVideo games and health improvement: a literature review of randomized controlled trials
This is a critical appraisal of a non-systematic review of randomized trials of video games for improving health.
| 0 CommentsSurrogate markers may not tell the whole story
A webpage explaining the limitations of using surrogate outcome markers in clinical research.
| 0 CommentsMixed Messages about Statistical Significance
A webpage explaining the difference between statistical and practical significance.
| 0 CommentsTesting Treatments Audio Book
The Testing Treatments Audiobook enables visitors to the TTi site to select whichever chapters in the book they would like to listen to.
| 0 Comments7 words (and more) you shouldn’t use in medical news
A webpage explaining that dramatic effects of medical treatments are very rare.
| 0 CommentsObservational Studies – does the language fit the evidence?
A webpage explaining observational studies and their advantage and disadvantages.
| 0 CommentsJohn Ioannidis, the scourge of sloppy science
A 8 min podcast interview with John Ioannidis explaining how research claims can be misleading.
| 0 CommentsScience Weekly Podcast – Ben Goldacre
A 1-hour audio interview with Ben Goldacre discussing misleading claims about research.
| 0 CommentsHow do you know which healthcare research you can trust?
A detailed guide to study design, with learning objectives, explaining some sources of bias in health studies.
| 0 CommentsCASP: making sense of evidence
The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) website with resources for teaching critical appraisal.
| 0 CommentsCan measurements show if a treatment works?
An article discussing errors to avoid when testing treatments.
| 0 CommentsMore than average confusion about what mean means mean
Cartoon and blog about how averages can hide important variations in effects.
| 0 CommentsAnimal and Lab studies
A webpage explaining how results from animal studies may not be transferable to humans.
| 0 CommentsCommercialism
A webpage about commercialism and conflicts of interest in health research.
| 0 CommentsBe careful with composites
Kevin Lomangino's article discusses the limitations of composite outcomes and surrogate markers.
| 0 CommentsAllTrials: All Trials Registered | All Results Reported
AllTrials aims to correct the situation in which studies remain unpublished or are published but with selective reporting of outcomes.
| 0 CommentsFair tests of treatments: a quick guide for journalists
When deadlines are pressing, how can journalists tell whether to believe claims about the effects of a new treatment or breakthrough?
| 1 CommentEvidence Based Medicine Matters: Examples of where EBM has benefitted patients
Booklet containing 15 examples submitted by Royal Colleges where Evidence-Based Medicine has benefited clinical practice.
| 0 CommentsWhat does the Cochrane logo tell us?
This video and animated slide presentation prepared by Steven Woloshin shows how the Cochrane logo was developed, and what it tells us.
| 3 CommentsNew – but is it better?
Key points Testing new is necessary because new treatments are as likely to be worse as they are to be […]
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